Thank you very much.
I love the thought that we're willing to move forward and have everything brought to the table and have witnesses called today, or soon, so this committee can look at the issues we're talking about. It seems everyone else wants to hold up a wall or a barn door in front of their party and say, “But not us, not us.” We're happy to move forward and talk legitimately about what Elections Canada is doing, but the rest, specifically the Liberals in this motion, would like it not to be comme-ci, comme ça, that it would happen for them too.
We talk about democracy, but of course they have had some trouble with that lately in their voting habits. We'd like to look at all things. I think this motion moves that forward in a very legitimate way. We're opening up with two years or two different elections. We're opening up our party and we'd like them to say, “You know what, we've got nothing to hide, let's look at our books too.” If they can't say that today, then we'll understand where it's coming from.
Mr. Chair, you ruled the motion in order. I think it's very appropriate for the people of Canada.