We should just say, quite quickly, that our finding was that as people get older, through the whole course of their lives, they're more likely to take advantage of opportunities to vote in advance—though, emphatically, that does not mean young people won't do it. It only means they'll take advantage of those opportunities at a lower rate than older folks will, which will increase the gap between the young and the old, while increasing youth participation at the same time. It's just that participation of older folks increases faster.
I should just say that we don't think the legislation is a silver bullet at all. If you want to solve the problem of youth voter turnout, you need to find out why young people around the western world feel a distinctly lower sense of duty than every generation before them. This is the single greatest explanation of youth voting decline. It's just a lack of a sense of duty that voting is something one ought to do—and that's a tough thing to solve.