Yes, but is it the interpretation that they changed in Quebec, or did he use his power of discretion to say “I will force them to unveil”? There's a difference between the two, the interpretation. Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister of the country, was very clear by saying, “I want Mr. Mayrand to follow the law”. Okay. Now he's saying, “I'm following the law, because there's nothing in the law that tells me they have to unveil; now I'm following the law”.
Now, though, through his discretion with the power he had, he could have said, “Well, because of social peace, because of the way it's going, the parliamentary committee of the House on procedure, all parties have recommended...”, and he could have gone that way with his discretion. If he broke the law, if the interpretation leads to the possibility of breaking the law, we could go to the court and get the interpretation.