There are a lot of things in play.
The reason why we have the same problems we might talk about in terms of election workers is that we have fewer and fewer workers available to do this work, particularly in the West. In the past, we had a lot of seniors or people who had a sense of civic duty and wanted to do it. Now, we very often have to make appeals on the radio to get workers, who ultimately weren't there. It is difficult, particularly in urban areas, where people are much busier.
In terms of increasing the number of places to vote, would that help? Certainly. We can reach people more easily. However, rather than increase the number of places, there are other options. For example, why not have a mobile polling station for advance polls, which would be in one rural community one day, in another community the next day, and so on? You could have that kind of mobility for advance polls.
In terms of communications, in the last election in Saskatchewan we used the radio for the first time. We had not used radio before that, but this made it possible for us to reach people on voting day.