It's one of the politest times I've been told.
Barry Kay and Chris Cattle argue that differences between advance poll results and election day results in 2004 suggested there was a swing against the Conservative Party. Their argument was essentially that we may want to look at advance polls as an indication of whether things occur between advance polls and election days that change voters' minds.
Tony Hill at MIT looked back even further and argued that between 1979 and 2004, the Conservative Party, or its predecessors, tended to do better in advance polls. Hill suggested that 2004 was not an anomaly and there might not necessarily have been things occurring among the public between the advance polls and election day to change their minds.
We do know, based on advance polling, that Conservatives tend to fare well outside of Quebec and that Liberals have traditionally done better in Quebec in advance polls than election day polls. We also know that advance polling is higher in New Brunswick than in other provinces, and that in Ontario, advance polling is highest in the Ottawa area. We don't know why this is, but the numbers we look at have been able to tell us this.
The problem I have is that I'm not sure what any of this means. It could just be election day effects. The 2004 election took place in late June. How many voters wanted to vote early as a result of holiday plans? We don't know. The 2006 election took place in winter. How many of the 1.56 million advance pollers decided to take advantage of good weather and advance polling days and not risk voting in possible bad weather on election day? We don't know the answer to these questions.
If we extend the hours and have more advance polls, will this number increase? Again, we're not sure. What I would caution against is having too many advance polls well before election day. I like the idea of extended hours right before election day. I think the notion that we should have more advance polls and should extend the hours immediately prior to election day is actually a good thing. I'm not convinced it will increase voter turnout by those individuals who might not otherwise vote, but if it makes it more convenient for those individuals who are committed to voting, then I think even this step is one in the right direction.
So, by all means, I support this legislation. My own view is that it does much more good than harm.
I would also suggest doing some survey work. I know Elections Canada is loathe to engage in election day surveying, but it might be helpful to find out whom these individuals are and what percent make up their minds to vote on voting day. It might also be helpful to know if they are committed individuals who would have voted otherwise or if the advance polls are the things getting them out to vote.
I would also suggest that we revisit other methods of increasing voter turnout. The permanent voters list is often pointed to as one of the biggest problems in getting new voters out and in having up-to-date lists. I think there's an awful lot to be said for this; perhaps it's time to revisit the permanent voters list and return to door-to-door enumeration. It's more expensive, but, quite frankly, democracy is not cheap, and I think if we're really committed to increasing voter turnout, we have to look beyond just advance polls.
Your proposals also talk about institutional change. I'll be very, very quick here. I think there are also cultural changes going on. As part of my own work, I've noticed you can almost track decreasing voter turnout with decreasing newspaper readership. Newspaper sales go down at exactly the same rate as voter turnout goes down. There's nothing anybody in this room can do about that, but I think it's worth reflecting on in terms of how political messages are getting out and how we engage voters.
Finally, I'd like to make my own little pitch about youth voting. As a professor who talks to students all the time, most of the studies I've been able to look at suggest that if youth don't vote by the age of 25, they're not going to vote at all, or it's very, very difficult to get them to vote. I think all of us, academics and politicians, have a job to do to engage youth. One thing that concerns me is hearing politicians of all stripes using the word “taxpayers” when they really mean “citizens”. This turns off the youth too quickly; essentially, they're saying to university students and others under the age of 25, come back to us when you have a job.
Citizenship talks about a two-way level of responsibility, a responsibility of politicians and the state to citizens, but also a responsibility of citizens to the state. I would encourage all of us to increasingly use the words “citizenship” and “participation” in government, instead of “taxpayers”.
Again, I have a lot more to say. I'll be happy to answer any questions, particularly about the advance polls and the day before polls. But at this stage, I'll thank you for your time and turn it over to my colleague, Jon Pammett.