If I might also add, Mr. Speaker and Mr. Chairman, through you to Mr. Cuzner, through the Partners for a Green Hill, working with the Senate and the Library of Parliament, the three administrations have banded together to raise awareness among our employees, so the whole question of recycling is something that's very much looked after. You might see on some of the messages you get on e-mail, “Do you really need to print this? Save paper!”--that kind of thing.
I think every little bit helps. Certainly, one of the things we have been very proud of is the work that has been done through great partnership and great leadership by the team at the printing plant, where they are using now—again, my scientific background fails me—environmentally friendly inks and that kind of thing, so there is less harm in the waste that comes from that. They have won prizes for the work they have done relative to printing.
We are very aware of that, and at the same time we're trying to work within the limits we have, because we are tenants of the building and not the actual landlords. So things like energy efficiency are sometimes difficult to gauge. Nonetheless, as the Speaker said, we do what we can.