Okay. Let me deal first with the telephone.
Right now, we're basically using land lines, copper lines, but remember, we need to maintain an IT infrastructure in those 308 locations across the country. In fact, it's close to 440, with sub-offices. We're looking right now at whether that is an area in which we can reduce our dependency on land lines.
There are issues, in terms of coverage, across the country. That's an analysis we're doing right now, but it looks like most of the offices that were used for the last election would be able to use wireless communication to communicate both within the riding and across the country. So certainly one of our objectives, as they say at the office, is to reduce the footprint of telephony across the country. Over time that should produce substantial savings.
You asked me also about the A-base review, which basically is taking a look at the structure of the organization, all its programs and activities, and whether they still meet the purposes for which they were set up and whether they are still aligned with the statutory mandate, of course, but also with the future direction of the organization. We also look at opportunities for either reallocating resources to higher priorities or building or finding some efficiencies in various processes we run, and, finally, we try to identify potential gaps that will need to be filled.