Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Merci beaucoup, monsieur Mayrand.
I have several questions.
First, on page 6, in the bottom part of the last paragraph, you talk about “amendments to the tariff of fees to increase the pay for election workers”. That may be available in some other document that I have not seen or have not seen in a while. What is the pay of election workers right now, and what are you proposing or will you be proposing in terms of an increase in the pay for election workers? That's one.
Secondly, you talked about some of the costs that are required when you're doing your election preparedness, for instance, the telephony services. What type of telephony services does Elections Canada usually get? Is it land lines, or are you taking advantage of some of the more cost-effective options such as wireless, etc.?
I know that for my election campaign--I think I mentioned it to you--we did not go with land lines, and we saved something like 75% of the cost. We purchased the phones and we used wireless. It was amazing.
The other one is that in your report, on page 4, you talk about planning to conduct a comprehensive A-base review. What is an A-base review?
Finally, when you talk about the auditing and the managing once an election happens, and about the expenses that are submitted by the candidates, the parties, etc., I'd like to know whether you have definitive costs to date for the work that has been required of Elections Canada as a result of the Conservative in-and-out scheme. Have those been separated out or not? And if so, what are they?
Thank you.