On the question of the tariff, of remuneration for election workers, we conducted an analysis, proposing adjustments to at least make the tariff competitive with that of other electoral organizations in the country.
However, after consulting with Treasury Board, we realized that the act, which restricts spending, has an impact and includes election workers. As a result of that restriction, we won't be able to grant an increase in the next two years. Upon the expiry of that act, we'll see what the situation is. Obviously, Elections Canada wants to find a way to give election workers adequate compensation for their work.
As to the Guaranteed Income Supplement, which is lowered as a result of the work people do on election day, that's a question that requires legislative amendments. I'm going to raise it in my recommendations report, which will be tabled during the year.
To avoid all confusion, between now and the spring, I will be tabling a report in Parliament containing a number of recommendations for amending and improving the act and facilitating its administration. In the meantime, when we can do things administratively, we try to put them forward. I noted a few this morning and others are on the way.