It will be quick, and I'm only antsy because I have another meeting that I'm now late for, but I want to clarify this, because it's really important that I get it straight in my mind.
I wrote down that you said we should try to harmonize to the greatest extent the provincial and the federal.... I'm coming back to this business of the national referendum. It's easy, if we have a national referendum law that is consistent, or rather, put the other way, if provincial legislation is consistent with the federal. It's not a problem. You give the provinces the option: if you want to run the show, go ahead; or we'll do it—whatever you want, it's no big deal. But what if it is not harmonized? What if there are a couple of key issues—funding, umbrella groups, who gets to vote, something that is fundamental? It's still a constitutional question, and one province can call it one way, one province can call it another, and the feds ultimately decide to call it one of those two ways or yet another way.
How do we come to grips with that? How do you see that working when there isn't a nice, easy lineup? It's a federal referendum, but for whatever reasons, political, jurisdictional, whatever, there are provinces saying they don't want to play that game, but want to do it their way. How would you suggest we approach that federally?