Thanks, Chair.
I'm not sure if Mr. Walsh would be the correct person to answer this or if this would be a decision made by this committee, but it seems to me that another question we need to ask, or an answer we need to a question, is for exactly what purpose individuals would be allowed to use reproductions of committee business or House of Commons business. For example, if you're going into an election campaign and you want to develop a 30-second television ad to promote your candidacy, would you be allowed to take the proceedings from a committee in which you are featured or a question in the House of Commons or that type of thing? Normally that's not allowed, because usually people would have to get the feed from a news broadcast or something, and news outlets normally don't allow that to happen. If we're going down this road, could someone--a candidate--potentially take something from the House of Commons proceedings or committee proceedings and build that into an ad? Is that something we want to allow to happen, or do we want to put restrictions on that?
I guess what I'm saying is that this could lead to a far larger area of discussion once you start opening up permission and authorities to allow people to rebroadcast what's happening in this place.