Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I had originally intended to do something else, but what troubles me is the position of the government members, who still insist on repeating false information and perpetuating a perception that spreads false information. The Speaker of the House said this, and I am quoting in English, here:
In his finding he says that “the mailing constitutes interference with his ability to perform his parliamentary functions in that its content is damaging to his reputation and his credibility.”
I also receive these in my riding because I have a large Jewish constituency. I can't imagine any other reason for receiving them. None of my neighbours who have no Jewish constituents receive these. That's fine, but I want to point out to everyone here--and I can't share it with anyone because it's not in both official languages--an item sent by me to my constituents and no one else. It really goes to the issue and says, “Canada-Israel relations Reality Check”. Notice it doesn't say Conservative or Liberal.
I could read it into the record, but I'll leave it for everyone. It asks eight questions, and none of them are tainted with any intention to direct anyone anywhere. For example, I'll read you one. It says:
Which Prime Minister said: “Israel's values are Canada's values--shared values--democracy, the rule of law and the protection of human rights.”
Answer: Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin
There's another question:
Which government abstained or supported eleven UN resolutions censuring Israel at the 2007 and 2008 Sessions of the United Nations General Assembly?
Answer: Harper's Conservative Government
It went on to say that:
As far as Canada-Israel relations are concerned, you can see that Canadian policies towards Israel have been consistent and the main political parties are strongly supportive of Israel. This is a reason for celebration, not senseless partisanship.
On the issue of senseless partisanship, when I say that the Conservative members--and I'm going to ask Mr. Cotler to comment in a moment.... I too read the National Post today.
Rabbi Michael Melchior, deputy minister of foreign affairs--eventually he went on to be a minister himself. He was the real leader of the delegation and directed the delegation from Jerusalem. He says in an item:
...I need to add that even in a heated political debate, there should be a limit to the grotesque methods and accusations one could use against political opponents.
Even to indicate that Irwin Cotler
--and according to the Speaker's decision, any member of the Liberal Party in whose ridings these pamphlets were distributed--
would lend his hand to anti-Semitism is a gross distortion of what happened in Durban.
This comes from the man who directed the Israeli position. He even further requested the Canadian delegation to lead and coordinate the work in Durban to combat dangerous anti-Semitic language in the final resolution. To distort that and insist on that distortion, even in today's meeting, is a gross injustice to members of Parliament and their ability to do work. It is a deliberate effort to tarnish their reputation by slander, by calumny, and by taking events and putting them in a fashion that is inconsistent with good, sound political respect. This attacks the individual integrity of members of Parliament and parties.