Thank you very much.
I too would like to thank Mr. Mayrand for allowing us the opportunity to meet and discuss his report and some of the key issues that he's identified.
I have a couple of issues I would raise with you that I heard of during the election campaign and shortly after. One regards the workers who end up being on rotation, leaving their riding to work for a couple of weeks and then coming back, and that having the advance poll one week before the actual election date was perhaps problematic for some of them.
The second issue would be the clustering of the advance polling dates all around a weekend. I don't know if that's typical; I've never voted in an advance poll. I don't know if there are some requirements to do that around a weekend, but that was raised as well.
Also, looking at the clustering of advance polling dates, am I correct in my understanding that currently a voter could actually vote in an advance poll, travel to another location before the lists are updated and vote a second time in an advance poll without much recourse?
Would an electronic list-tracking system prevent such occurrences? Is this being worked on? What are the pros and cons, and what would the costs be to do something like that?