Therefore, I would like you to comment a little further on the issue of a suggestion that Rob Walsh made that changes to the standing order, as proposed by some opposition parties, would in fact have no effect in the sense that if the Prime Minister of the day ignored them, went and requested prorogation, and that prorogation was given by the GG, the prorogation itself would remain valid and legal. Therefore, the committee and the House, if we want to go that route of limiting the Prime Minister's authority and prerogative to request prorogation, we might want to go the route of having standing orders that would be punitive—well, he actually said, “disincentives”; I should stop using the word “punitive”, because that's not the word that Mr. Walsh used.
Secondly, I'd like to hear a little bit more from you on the issue of the unwritten conventional law or right of the Speaker to advise the Governor General of the will of the House.