Thank you very much.
I have already read some of your articles. I will have the occasion to come back to them. What follows is along the lines of Hon. Marlene Jennings' question. When Mr. Walsh testified, he said that the Standing Orders were designed in such a way that, even if we prosecuted the Prime Minister and the government for not following these Standing Orders, a new session would have started by the time the procedure could be followed. What would the legitimacy of the new session be if the court decided that prorogation was illegitimate or illegal? I wonder if you have thought about that.
Second, the question was perhaps asked, but I cannot remember the answer. Several of your proposals could not have been implemented last December 30 because we were not sitting. Did you think about a Plan B?
Third, at the end of your article published in the Ottawa Citizen, there is a call to arms, saying that the opposition parties could foster social and political movements across Canada during a prorogation. Last time, that was done spontaneously through the Internet . Could you comment on your own proposal?