Right, but just the one....
What I'm getting at here is that in terms of taking advice from the Speaker, I just wanted to ask you, (a), what the matters are—if you're familiar with this—on which the....not the general thoughts about the House Commons, but where that actually applies, the Speaker offering advice to the Governor General, and it being taken? And (b), if I'm not mistaken, the underlying convention, or the foundational basis, on which the convention of the taking advice from the Prime Minister rests is this: the Governor General, or the Queen, takes advice only from a single source, as opposed to saying, “I can consult, and therefore effectively pick and choose.”
I'm wondering how we deal with having multiple sources. I think that is a real shift, having multiple sources of advice coming to the Governor General, and the Governor General choosing. Perhaps I'm wrong, but does that not seem to you like a very substantial shift in the role of the Governor General to something that hasn't existed for a very long time under our system--having multiple sources of advice on which the executive can choose?