It was quite interesting. There were a couple of surveys done. One graduate student in Lethbridge is currently doing her master's thesis on the Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament Facebook group. She circulated a survey. There was another one. I can't remember the organization that had done it, but I think they had around 350 participants. It was self-selecting, of course, but they found that about 40% of the respondents were over the age of 35, which is quite interesting, because there is this perspective that Facebook is just for teenagers and that sort of thing.
We had chapters in every province and territory, with the exception of Nunavut. In Alberta, we had chapters in Grand Prairie for the Peace River region, Edmonton, Calgary, and Lethbridge. I had people e-mailing in who weren't close to any major centres. So I think it represented a very diverse, very dynamic cross-section that really did represent the sentiments that Canadians were feeling at the time. For instance, we had people who were apolitical and got involved with this. We had people who voted for a variety of different political parties. We had people who have been and remain staunch Conservatives, but they were upset by this as well. So it's quite interesting.