The thing with the Facebook groups is that once they hit 5,000 members, you actually can't change things around a bit. I was very interested in actually changing the name of the group to reflect the broader mandate.
What was really interesting about the group is that it really did kick off a lot of other discussion and questions about the role of Parliament and government, questions such as the role of the monarchy in Canada, proportional representation, other forms of voting, and that sort of thing. So I was really hoping to change the name of the group to reflect that. Unfortunately, it remains Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament.
I think there are about 217,000 members still. Of those, though, I would say there are probably only a few dozen who remain active, and the issues that are discussed today tend to be things that have come up during that week. For instance, there was a discussion as to the Afghan detainee documents for quite a while, and recent issues such as Mr. Ignatieff's call for the Governor General's term to be extended. Any issue of the day gets brought up and discussed and then eventually fades away. So it remains active. People remain interested in prorogation to see what happens with it.
I've told people on the boards that I'm going to be here and many of them are excited. It's really encouraging to see that, to see that their efforts and their concerns are being addressed. So I thank all the members here today for taking that quite seriously.