I think that everything possible will be done to have it come in on time and on budget. One of the very great challenges that Public Works faces, in fairness to them, and that this whole renovation project faces, is that you're renovating heritage buildings but you're not renovating them to be museums. You're renovating them to be 2010 to 2075 or to 3000, God help us, working buildings. So you find things that cost more. I think it was something that was experienced, for instance, when they did the renovations of the parliamentary library, and it ran them over the original budget.
That being said, I think the library has proved that renovations once launched can be done and done well, and can prove that the space, the plans that have been so long aborning, if you will, have been worth while.
Would I say I'm confident? I'm confident that once we get started on the West Block, yes. The Department of Public Works and Government Services has already made significant progress on the whole refurbishing of the Promenade Building. They basically gutted it and started over. The members' suites are ready now in the Promenade Building. They're working on the committee rooms there.
There's no question that it's going to be a long, hard slog. I think we're only going to see in the actual playing out of this the kinds of effects it's going to have on members' operations. And I don't say this to introduce gloom into the discussion, but I think we're all aware that it's not going to be as convenient to members. The Promenade Building is south of Wellington, and Number 1 Rideau is already very well advanced in terms of the renovations there to create committee rooms. They're going to be terrific spaces, but it's not going to be quite the same thing. A really major adjustment is going to be required, I think. We'll have to be attuned to that so we can then be able to come behind. For example, we're going to have much better technology in these interim committee rooms than we've had in this kind of room, but at the same time, we're going to have to be right behind to make sure things like the shuttle buses run that much more efficiently so people are not wasting time.