I have a very quick question as we're over time.
Thank you for being here, Professor Heard. We've had other academics appear before us and have had these interesting discussions.
You mentioned in your opening comments that prorogation is usually a routine matter. Really controversial prorogations haven't come up very often in our short history.
After speaking about this with different professors and different academics, I'm paraphrasing here, but at the end of the day after a lot of discussion I think that at least some of them said that you have to be very careful here, because you might be going down a slippery slope, or you might be getting into areas where you really don't want to go to. Maybe we are overreacting to the exception. Maybe the rule isn't so bad. We have to be careful not to overreact to this exception.
I think it was Professor Franks who said that it probably isn't worth going there, that probably we should maintain the status quo. Do you have any thoughts about that?