Thank you very much.
I have with me Lyne Robinson-Dalpé, the assistant commissioner, advisory and compliance, and Nancy Bélanger, head of our legal advisory services.
Mr. Chair, I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to appear before you today.
I would also like to take this opportunity to personally welcome your new members. My office has enjoyed a productive relationship with the committee, and I look forward to continuing to work together effectively in the coming weeks and months.
In the next 10 minutes or so, I am going to summarize some of the highlights of my 2009-2010 annual report on the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons. My remarks will include reference to my inquiry reports, in which I raised several issues that I would like to bring to your attention today.
Then, I will briefly review our proposals for amendments to the code that are currently before the committee.
As noted in my annual report, in the last year my office has acted on a number of fronts to improve our administration of the code, including in the areas of advisory and compliance, and outreach and communications. We have also conducted a number of inquiries. We improved our compliance processes, implementing a system of reminders to help members meet the code's disclosure and reporting deadlines. We upgraded our electronic case management system so our advisors can give members more timely advice and guidance. We're in the process of adding annual review dates to our online public registry—in fact, I think they are all up there now—in order to further encourage respect of compliance deadlines and to enhance transparency.
In keeping with the code's requirements, we're also making all supporting documents related to sponsored travel available in the registry. These measures were complemented by ongoing research and communications activities, which in the 2009-10 fiscal year included several presentations to parliamentary caucuses and members' staff, and an information session held as part of the Library of Parliament's seminar series.
The last year has been particularly busy in terms of inquiries under both the code and the Conflict of Interest Act. My office has released the findings of three inquiries under the code. In these recent reports I've also commented, where appropriate, on several issues reflecting broader ethical concerns that could raise questions about the integrity of elected public officials and governing institutions.
In April I reported on my inquiry under the code into allegations that 60 members had used partisan or personal identifiers on ceremonial cheques or other props in connection with federal funding announcements. I found that enhancing political profiles is a partisan political interest and not a private interest within the meaning of the code, and that the code, as written, does not cover partisan political interests. I concluded, however, that the practice of using partisan or personal identifiers in announcing government initiatives was inappropriate because it has the potential to diminish public confidence in the integrity of members and the governing institutions they represent.
The distinction between personal and political interests was the focus of my other two inquiry reports, which raised issues of fundraising and lobbying as well. In May I reported on my inquiry under the code into the activities of the Hon. Lisa Raitt, member of Parliament for Halton, in connection with a political fundraising event organized by the Halton Conservative Association.
In September I issued a report on my inquiry into the activities of Mr. Rick Dykstra, member of Parliament for St. Catharines, in connection with a political fundraising event organized for the benefit of the St. Catharines electoral district association and held in the owners' suite at the Rogers Centre in Toronto.
In both reports I pointed out the need for effective fundraising guidelines in relation to political fundraising events for members of Parliament. In the Dykstra report, I reiterated the recommendation that I made in the Raitt report that consideration should be given to amending the code to possibly include prohibitions against solicitation of funds, broader recusal obligations, and provisions for establishment of conflict of interest screens.
I've had the privilege of working with the committee to bring about a number of amendments to the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons, and I'm grateful for the assistance you continue to provide in ensuring its effective administration.
I was pleased to see that many of the amendments I proposed last year to the code's gift provisions were adopted by the House of Commons in June 2009. The changes to the gift rules will no doubt help members respect those rules more consistently. In my annual report, however, I noted that gifts and benefits from a riding association or a political party or services from a volunteer working on behalf of a member are no longer covered by the code at all. While such gifts would not usually place a member in a conflict of interest, I am concerned that the changes reduce transparency by removing them from the disclosure requirements and that lobbyists could gain access to members by volunteering for them.
A perennial challenge I have with respect to the gift rules is the tendency of members to think that the $500 gift value threshold relates to acceptability. It does not; it relates to disclosure. I don't know how many times I have to say that. I find myself taking every opportunity to remind members that the value of a gift or other benefit does not determine whether or not it may be accepted. The conflict of interest test applies no matter what the value of the gift is. So I'll continue to make that message, I think.
In March 2010, I submitted to the committee for its consideration two sets of proposed amendments to the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons in response to the invitation you issued to me in October 2009 as part of your ongoing review of the code. Some of the changes I suggested are technical in nature and relate to the code's disclosure and public reporting requirements. Among other things, they would establish distinct disclosure processes for annual reviews and the re-election of members. Their purpose is to ensure that the code reflects the way it's being administered, and they are, as I say, technical amendments.
The other changes I have suggested relate to the inquiry process and raise more substantive issues. For example, I've proposed that the commissioner be allowed to make public the reasons for not pursing an inquiry where the matter is already in the public domain. I've also proposed that the commissioner's power to summon witnesses and compel their testimony be made explicit in the code. That power is explicit in the Conflict of Interest Act. I believe I probably already have this inherent power, but I've not yet had to use it. I would be pleased if the committee would proceed with these amendments as expeditiously as possible. I will gladly discuss them with you at any time.
Since submitting my proposed amendments in March, I have identified one other amendment in connection with inquiries that I would like to see adopted. Because of the different procedural requirements for releasing reports under the code and the Conflict of Interest Act, it could be problematic when the House of Commons is sitting for me to produce a joint report for parallel investigations under the two regimes. I would hope to make it clear that I can produce a single joint report whether or not the House is sitting; you may have noticed that I did issue one when it wasn't sitting. I have a proposed amendment that I could add to the package that I submitted to you last year in relation to inquiries.
I've identified in the Raitt and Dykstra reports a few other areas where amendments might be considered, and I'd be pleased to pursue these as well with the committee at an appropriate time.
I'm also seeking House approval of a new inquiry request form, which was included in the March package, that would help streamline and expedite the inquiry process. The issue of having to obtain the committee's approval of our forms and guidelines under section 30 of the code is one that I've raised before and that continues to concern me. Under the Conflict of Interest Act I can issue forms and guidelines without further approvals--indeed, I issued a request for examination form this spring that is similar to the one I have before you for the code--but I'm prevented from doing so under the code.
Because of the potential delays involved in seeking and obtaining formal approval, we've been using other tools at our disposal--namely, advisory opinions and communiqués--in order to communicate with members in a timely manner, but we cannot proceed with the guidelines without specific approval of this committee. Perhaps the committee could take this opportunity to consider whether it still feels there is the need for this approval requirement.
Mr. Chair, I appreciate the committee taking the time to review my 2009-2010 annual report on the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons, and to examine the issues raised in it.
I am happy to answer any questions you may have.