--I would like to refer to page 14 of your report, where you talk about the forms. At the top of the page, you're talking about a couple of different ways in which an inquiry could be initiated: a request by a member or the House of Commons could compel you to do an investigation. Earlier, you pointed out that you could do it on your own initiative as well.
Further down in that same section, you talk about the fact that you have this form under the act and that you've also produced one for under the code. You're awaiting our instruction on this. I'm certainly open to that.
Prior to that, on page 13, you state in the middle paragraph, “There were five instances where Members of the House of Commons raised concerns with me about possible contraventions....” I guess my concern is that if we have this form that is mandated, that we need to use, many of us around this table are not lawyers. We're not legal experts and we don't know the code inside out.
But as you indicated earlier, if something doesn't pass the smell test in our operation within our constituency or here on the Hill, I guess I would hope that we would still have the opportunity as individual members simply to say, “Here's a concern we have, and we have no idea whether it's a problem or not, but could you please give us your advice?”
Are you still open to those kinds of inquiries without the formal inquiry label attached to it?