Thank you very much. It's a guest spot, a guest appearance.
Thank you very much, Ms. Dawson, for being here today.
This is just to wrap up what one my colleagues had been asking before. I recall that when we were doing the study on gifts and the whole issue around acceptance of gifts, you cautioned the committee at that time about not just a conflict taking place but the perception of a conflict, and making sure there was no perception of conflict.
To use the hypothetical case that my colleague referred to, if somebody was leaving an industry, an industry that does billions of dollars of business with the Government of Canada, and that individual was leaving that business and assuming the top political staffing position in the country, knowing full well that they were going to go back to that industry in subsequent months, do you not see...? You know, if we're wanting to hold the trust and faith of the people of Canada, can you understand that the people of Canada are asking if we're leaving the dogs in charge of the meat here? So it's the perception around it as well.
Are you confident that the safeguards are there to protect the perception of conflict of interest?