On the whole issue of the critical dates for revision, when does revision end? When do the advance polls take place? For example, you try to advertise that in the Ottawa area. You put it in Le Droit, and you get an ad from the Chief Electoral Officer of Ontario and an ad from the Chief Electoral Officer of Quebec, and the two dates are not the same. Everyone's going to vote on the same day. You're hoping that it's going to be the same question. That's the other thing. Is it the same question, exactly the same question, every word? That's number two.
Is the duration of the campaign going to be the same? Is Ontario 30 days? Is Quebec 36? What about New Brunswick, if New Brunswick is next? And what about the other provinces in Atlantic Canada? What about them? When you're advertising in Atlantic Canada, you're advertising in Atlantic Canada. It's difficult to advertise only in New Brunswick. This is what I'm alluding to, if it's a federation.