We'll make sure you have it in both languages so you can ask questions on it. There's certainly been enough press on it. It's out there and we all know a bit about what it says, but I think it's grown larger than what it really does ask of this committee. But let's ask those questions of Mr. Chong on Thursday and decide whether we'll have witnesses on that.
Are there further questions of this committee today? Remember that this afternoon at 3:15 we have a delegation from Pakistan who wanted to speak to this committee. It's unofficial, it's in Room 256-S, and those members of the committee who can attend, it would be just great. So wander down right after question period and we'll move through it as quickly as we can.
It's nice to have visiting delegations who want to see us. They have some similar questions about how we deal with standing orders, how do we deal with our chief electoral officers, and that type of thing. They have a fairly similar set-up. So those of you who can attend, please do. I will be there.
Can I have a quick show of hands of those who think they might be able to spend some time with us?