I just wanted to come back to something I raised earlier when we were working out the exact wording. You may have noticed, in the course of this debate, Mr. Chairman, that I've tended to be a stickler for exact words. I think precision always behooves us. That's why I asked if the word “immediately” was there. It seemed to me if the word “immediately” weren't there, and we just said “after”, it could mean months after—not that it would be the intention, but it was certainly a possibility.
Once you get into these lengthy debates, similar to the one we are currently engaged in...I think I'm only stating an obvious fact when I say that suspicion of each other's motivations tends to rise, and therefore so does the need for precision in order to demonstrate goodwill. That was the purpose of putting “immediately” in, to make sure we understood that we would be moving back to this matter “immediately” after we dealt with the matter of privilege that has come before this committee.
I want to point out a couple of other things that I think are related to this. The first is that while we're dealing with the other matter, the matter of privilege, it's entirely conceivable, and in fact I think it is likely, that the matter of the actual substance of the motion will be dealt with through the original means by which it was dealt. That is to say, it will be dealt with through the normal means of dealing with such proposals, through the meetings of the House leaders of all the parties, one of which takes place this afternoon immediately following question period, as it always does on Tuesdays. That process was the one we started using initially.
This motion was brought before that group by the Liberals. The normal process of looking at, first of all, whether or not there was all-party consent.... I say this because that is a consensual body, unlike parliamentary committees, which operate ultimately as majoritarian bodies, which necessarily include, although don't require, the possibility of tyranny of the majority as a matter of practice. Consensual bodies don't allow for that. They assume the potential for, I suppose, a veto on the part of those who are in the minority on any given question. But at any rate, they certainly assume a degree of negotiation that, unfortunately, doesn't really seem to be at work here.
I think part of the reason for that is that not all of the relevant players are really present in this committee, which also tends to freeze our flexibility. If we get our marching orders from our House leaders—who perhaps get their marching orders from their party leaders, or from whatever body it is that meets collectively in each party to make those decisions—we are, at least at one remove, and possibly at two removes, from that decision-making position and simply have to defend our entrenched positions. That leads, unfortunately, to the war of attrition we've seen happen on more than one occasion since I started serving on this committee back in 2004, I guess it was.
So we really are not ideally suited to doing this. By way of demonstrating this, from recent memory of this committee—indeed, from our last meeting this Thursday past—I tried to sense out whether or not there was a willingness to look at flexibility on this. The response I got from two of the parties opposite was, “Well, let it go to a vote and you'll find out.” This reminds me a bit of how you bid when playing bridge. When playing bridge, you send very clear signals to your opponents through that process. What I got out of it was that it was going to be a situation where, “You're probably not going to like what you find out, because we would send you a clear signal that you're going to like the result, if it were our intention to follow through with that.” I suppose the members opposite could have given very encouraging and completely dishonest signals, but that isn't the way people around here actually are.
Everybody recognizes that their credibility with their own colleagues and with their opponents in future negotiations depends on actually giving signals that have some validity to them, and one thinks very carefully about being dishonest to one's opponents. I have been on a committee where a member actually--and the case I'm thinking about involves a member from my own party--has given, frankly, a very dishonest signal about what was going to happen. Doing so was not helpful to him on future occasions when he needed the goodwill of opposing parties for reasons that I think are relatively obvious.