Let me try to explain. Whether people believe what I say to be the truth or not is for them to determine, but in all honesty, I'm not trying to do anything to avoid discussion of Judy's motion.
Obviously, if the opposition parties are all in favour of changing the Standing Orders with respect to supply days, and it comes to a vote, they will have their way. That's obvious.
I know there are still discussions and negotiations going on with the House leaders about this. All I'm saying is that we ought to let this subamendment pass so we can deal with the breach of privilege. Once the breach of privilege study is complete—I'm not sure how long that will take—then we can go back to Judy's motion.
I've given a commitment to David that I wouldn't filibuster on it. It would be a straight up and down vote.
We had discussions at the House leaders level that suggested this would be the course of action we wanted to take. But that's up to this committee, I suppose.