Thank you.
Monsieur Paquette, nothing from you?
Mr. Mulcair, anything else?
Are there any questions from other members?
This has been very helpful, and Mr. Young's last question really falls on that: it's the most secure and the least secure, all in the same device. Thank you very much. I may never touch mine.
Thank you very much for being with us today. If you could supply to us what you've suggested on the varying levels.... But I think really what you've said to us today is that committees need to sit down and say, “How secure does this document have to be?” Then you would have a nice little shopping list of security levels that you could supply to the clerks and the chairs of the committees as we do it.
Many of the things, certainly, are in confidence. A steering committee document is still not...but how high a level of security? When we get to certain committees with more need for security, we'll have to ask for higher levels, so I would suggest that our great clerks will also have to be involved in knowing what's available to them. If you can supply us with that report, I think that would help us a lot in putting some remedies to the situation we have here today.
Thank you again for coming here today and helping us out.
I'm going to suspend for a couple of minutes and then we'll go in camera.
[Proceedings continue in camera]