It's very clear in the Act: my primary mandate is really to carry out investigations when I receive complaints about the handling of access to information requests by federal institutions covered under the legislation. We receive approximately 1,800 complaints each year in the last two years, and possibly more over the last five years. The legislation requires that I investigate. So, I have no discretion, in that the Act is very clear: when I receive a complaint about an institution covered under the legislation, I have to investigate.
I must, I shall, investigate.
The law says I have to do it.
Second of all, I also have the option of carrying out my own investigations. To be perfectly honest, I very rarely do it because we still have some 1,900 active files in our inventory. Because we also receive approximately 1,800 per year, I really focus on the complaints we receive. However, I have conducted several investigations in relation to complaints since becoming acting, and then permanent, Commissioner. I did do a number of investigations. I don't have the exact number with me, but I would be pleased to share that information with you.