Yes, but again, look what it says with regard to Bill C-4:
No detailed costs estimates are available because any impact of the amendments would be on the provincial and territorial corrections costs. The Bill should not result in cost impacts for Correctional Service of Canada because young persons are rarely held in these facilities.
That means a young person goes into a provincial jail instead of a federal one, so it's not a federal cost. At the same time, as the minister said today, any costs will be negotiated with the provinces. There will be a cost somewhere. I'm sure the provinces will say, “Look, you in Ottawa are not going to dump onto us the cost of all of those bills you're bringing in; somebody has to pay for it.”
Shouldn't the government estimate how much it will cost and not just say no, no, this is going to provinces, so it's not costing us anything?
Are you satisfied with those answers?