Mr. Chair, the government is facing a breach of privilege, facing a potential contempt of Parliament, the first time in the Commonwealth that a government has faced this kind of charge from a Speaker's ruling.
Minister Flaherty was requested by committee to appear before committee. Earlier today Minister Flaherty was seen going in the direction of the House of Commons gym. I have nothing against fitness, and it is St. Patrick's Day, which may be a special day for Minister Flaherty, but I can't understand for the life of me why the government continues to show contempt for this Parliament when Minister Flaherty, who was asked specifically by this committee to appear before the committee and is in Ottawa, refused to show up at this committee.
Minister Menzies, the finance committee set a deadline of November 24, 2010, for your department to provide the information requested. That deadline passed without even an acknowledgement by your department, which showed contempt, frankly. On December 10 your government responded that “The requested information on corporate income taxes is still covered by cabinet confidence.” Do you still believe that to be true, or were you misleading the committee at that time?