Before I pursue some other questions, I just want to mention vis-à-vis the whole Afghan detainee document item here that this is a good example of a situation in which there was a great deal of Sturm und Drang before a resolution was found, but once one was found it was possible to look into documents.
One assumes that if documents had been found that authorized or countenanced the torture or abuse of detainees we would have heard about it by now. That is to say that just because documents are confidences doesn't necessarily mean that they are hiding something nefarious. It can be the case or it cannot be the case, and there's a need for some kind of mechanism to allow in the different situations such information as is not harmful to find its way out. That was just a comment on my part.
I wanted to ask you about recommendations two and three, in particular.
Your recommendation with regard to a five-year analysis being attached to second reading bills, the costs associated with it.... I'm assuming that you would want to have us make a change to the Standing Orders as the best way of doing that, as opposed to legislatively.