Thank you, Mr. Armstrong. I appreciate that question.
I do in fact believe that the answers provided on February 17 were in fact made in good faith. They were fulsome answers, and in fact we have now provided this entire binder of information, which deals with that extensively.
I find it curious, Mr. Armstrong, that Mr. Brison keeps on going back to paper over the deficiencies in his own motion.
He asked for information very specifically about 18 different bills, and then, Mr. Chair, raises issues that are on another bill.
For example, on the erroneous facts that Mr. Brison put on the table this morning, he indicated that I had indicated that I'd never said the cost would be $90 million. Of course, Mr. Chair, the costs were $90 million. If he reads the rest of the quote there, which he has neglected to state for the people of Canada, he would have found out that it dealt with the appropriation in one year, in one year of five years. The first year was $90 million. The full cost was $2.1 billion over five years. I haven't changed my mind. What Mr. Brison has done is selectively take quotes to mislead this committee in respect of that issue, and I find that disturbing.
I find that consistent, Mr. Chair, with the issues that we have raised here in full compliance with the subsequent concerns of the Speaker. The Speaker has indicated that there were some deficiencies. He didn't specify what the deficiencies were, so public servants have gone to a great deal of work to in fact find out and guess what those deficiencies might be. But they are all here to answer that. This document is a document of the public servants who are responsible for these figures coming forward.