No, we weren't, and that's not the way we would frame it. That's the public engagement part of our program. We're very proud of having public engagement, and traditionally CIDA has always been very proud to fund public engagement, because it's the education in Canada that allows the stakeholders to see what their money is accomplishing.
Traditionally what Kairos will do is bring our partners here so that they themselves can speak in their own words to communities across Canada. We've done that almost every year, I would say. They talk about the issues from their point of view, and they talk about what they're doing to make change, which touches a bit on one of the things that Mr. Albrecht mentioned earlier: that we need to get aid to people, that we need to give humanitarian aid. Kairos doesn't provide food aid. We don't do emergency aid work. It's very important to do that and it's great to see that our government is committed to that.
A large part of what CIDA funds is long-term development: getting to the root causes of change and supporting those people who have a lot of expertise and skill on the ground and who we trust to carry out work. We bring those people here when we can and tour them across Canada. Yes, we do have media to advertise our events, and we have what we call an education campaign that we try to get out through the churches and through communities. That has been one of the strengths of Kairos--