Thank you very much.
Mr. Chair, I've been very, very clear, when we were in discussion of this decision, in all my articulations, in all my responses, and in all my public statements, that this was my decision. It is my responsibility to make those decisions. It was my decision and mine alone. I don't know how I can be clearer on that.
Regarding referencing the decisions I make as a CIDA decision, I think I have clearly answered questions to clarify how that confusion.... The common practice is that once the minister makes a decision, it becomes the government's decision, and it becomes the department's decision and the agency's decision.
Mr. Chair, to the third point, in response to whether a reference to a single criterion...these decisions cannot be made on a single criterion. Depending on the proposal, the nature of the proposal, the country in which the work is being undertaken...these all factor into the decision-making process.