Yes, I understand, Mr. Proulx. I just used midnight to six for sleep, and I should not have. It won't happen again.
The committee will move on from there.
Just one other real quick thing. I'd like to thank this committee for the hard work it has done over the last couple of days.
I had a little bit of a health issue yesterday afternoon near the end of the committee and I wanted to thank in public Monsieur Proulx for first of all noticing that I was having a bit of distress, and his understanding and help with it.
Mr. Lukiwski also did a fantastic job of keeping me on track at a time when I really wanted to get out of here, and it worked.
I thank the committee for its indulgence. We'll see if we can't just get through a whole day of work without anything happening again.
Monsieur Proulx, my gratitude to you. It will be forever in my heart that all parliamentarians are great people.
Thank you.