Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, Professor Franks.
There's little or nothing you've said with which I disagree. Res ipsa loquitur: the matter does speak for itself.
I was interested in your parallel between the Munir Sheikh census issue and the misrepresentation of what civil servant advice was given.
I don't know whether you've had an opportunity to read the material that was in the original grant, but it's quite complimentary to the work of Kairos and quite fulsome in its praise for the work of this particular organization. It's signed off by quite a number of organizations who actually reviewed the application. Then CIDA is made to be blamed for the initial decision.
The minister has since changed her version of those facts, but the Speaker said that these documents were doctored to make it look as if the decision was made by the CIDA officials and that they would be rightly disturbed.
Is it your view that Margaret Biggs is in a particularly awkward position and that possibly she should tender her resignation for being misrepresented by the minister?