Frankly, no, I haven't. The clerk may have a different view. I'm not in the chair a whole lot of time during debate--more in question period and Standing Order 31 statements, not so much in debate--so perhaps I'm not a good person to ask this question of.
My impression is that members sit there doing things on their computers, which wasn't the case when I was first elected. You couldn't plug your computer into the House. There was no way of wiring it up. I'm not particularly good at computers anyway and I can't use one. There's one in front of me, but the clerks run it. I have no mouse or anything. I can't do a thing on it except look, and I point out errors, so that's about the extent of my stuff. I think other members are using them to read material, to correct letters and stuff that you used to get in binders that would come in, and you'd make the changes, signing, and so on. Now a lot of it is done online instead. I don't think it has made a big difference.
I have no idea whether members are sending messages to one another in the House. Of course, I wouldn't see that or know it. It's possible, but I'd be surprised, because you don't see a lot of members with their computers open and working on them during question period. They tend to be engaging in discussion much more.