I'd like to bring up that dimension, because an important element here is that sometimes when something is presented visually, it can be far more powerful in its impact than something that is merely on paper, the exception being Stephen King novels, which scare me just as much when I read them as when I see the movies.
In this particular case, I get offensive tweets on a regular basis and I recognize them clearly as that. I get offensive letters occasionally, and I recognize them as such; however, when I looked at this video, I found it threatening.
I don't know if I would have found it threatening reading it, but I certainly found it threatening looking at it, the reason being that, first of all, you had this character with a mask who was speaking with an artificial voice and was basically saying things to the minister that in my opinion were clearly of a threatening nature. I think that is an important element here. I bring it up because I'm not sure we want the RCMP investigating something that's merely offensive, but we definitely want to get the RCMP investigating something that's threatening.
I'd like to have your views, please.