At Guelph there's been a fair bit of demand from students and student organizations over time seeking to cast their ballots on campus. We have not been able to address those requests systematically, given that we were living under minority Parliaments and had to be ready to run general elections. So we published, gave instruction, and explained to student associations and returning officers how they could facilitate voting by students. Mostly, we informed them about the special voting rules, and about setting up a registration desk on campus.
In one situation, the RO went a little further and offered special voting services on campus. This was on the Guelph campus. The matter was brought to our attention during the election. We looked into it and pretty quickly came out with a ruling on the legality of the vote that had been cast. However, I said that there was no plan, and there's never been any plan, to extend it across the country.
In the future, this is an important area that the committee may want to consider. We have some recommendations. It's probably an area that would lend itself to pilots. Those of you who live in Ontario probably know that in Ontario it was possible to vote on campus through advanced polls this time around. Manitoba has also done some things in that regard, as well as New Brunswick. So I think it's an area that we need to address for the next general election.