I understand that, and there's no question that it's huge and evolving. But whereas at one point in time people had to sign their names.... I know they sign their names somewhere, and then they use this nickname.
The reason I raise this question is that in terms of this threat we're dealing with—Anonymous, whom we do not know even—each and every one of us who are not ministers but who take policy positions because it's part of our job, increasingly faces hate mail because the people who are writing the letters do not have to sign their names.
In your experience, are there any countries or any laws anywhere that try to get around that issue? I think it's escalating and that it leads to outrageous statements and outrageous attacks upon individuals. In this case it's an outrageous attack on the minister by Anonymous, but this isn't the only instance. I think all of us around here.... Somebody takes a dislike to something we said and then goes on a rampage. And in the comments section they go for the jugular, and it's nearly hate.