The thinking was that the spouses would not be allowed to use the flight passes because the flight passes have to be bought in booklets of ten. Members are responsible if those ten segments are not used. In a way, to protect members from unnecessary expense, it was decided by the BOIE at the time that flight passes would only be applicable to members for regular travel to regular points back and forth between Ottawa and the constituency, because there was a high likelihood that the full ten segments would be able to be used. Spousal travel is sometimes less predictable, and therefore it's probably best if a flight pass would not be purchased for the time being.
We're still definitely open to studying that question further. We're only dipping our toes in the water of flight passes with this initiative. Should utilization prove that the full flight passes could be used, there would be no reason we wouldn't want to extend it to spouses, but for the time being it is restricted to members.