You know, I have a great deal of difficulty in the whole area of gifts and invitations, because people aren't telling me about them. I get virtually no information on gifts or invitations under $500, and yet people tell me they're getting invited six and seven times an evening to something or other.
There's a disconnect there, so what I'm trying to do is shed a bit of light on what goes on. I've been trying for four years to find out what the heck goes on up here, on the Hill, and it's very difficult to find out. It's only recently that people have started telling me that they go to millions of these receptions, and I think they would bear a little bit of scrutiny. The people who put on these receptions are the people who have the money to put on the receptions, so is there discrimination in who has access to MPs? There's a whole area there I don't have very much information about.
I would also wonder how many people get more than a couple of gifts over $30. I don't know how many gifts you guys are being given because I don't get told about them either.