Again, I thank you for your appearance.
This is not really a question. From the government side, we have no more questions. We've certainly gone over your list of recommendations. Some we agree with, some we don't, and some we think we could, but there needs to be some clarification.
As you've already pointed out, you're looking for some direction from this committee. I think it would be far more helpful if this committee, rather than having you sit there and hear us whining and bellyaching or whatever the commentary is, sat down and came to grips with a lot of things that you're recommending here, and get to a point where the committee could give you some guidance as to what the committee thinks would be an appropriate set of guidelines.
From our standpoint, even though we could probably continue this conversation for many hours, we're going to stop our line of questioning now. I think it's more incumbent upon, and more important for, the committee to start dealing with these issues, and then come back to you, Madam Dawson, with our list of suggested recommendations and guidelines. Then perhaps we could engage you in a good dialogue at that time.