Not for those high amounts. Again, you could get a loan for the maximum contribution amount. You could go to a friend and get a loan for $1,200. You could go to a few friends and get a few different loans to the maximum of $1,200. The idea is that if that loan was not repaid, it would be defaulted and turned into a contribution, so it would still be within that limit.
Beyond that, if you require a larger loan, you can approach literally hundreds of financial institutions in this country that can provide that loan to you to help you to provide, I would say, seed money for a campaign. The idea of getting a loan is to have enough money to get your campaign started and then raise money to pay that loan off.
I think it's incumbent upon politicians to also have an understanding of what their campaign plan is, what their budget for that campaign will be, and to be not only able to get that loan but to be able to repay it as well. We expect Canadians to manage their budgets and I think we should expect it of politicians as well.