Banks do lend to non-profit organizations and they do have within their organizations individuals who specialize. A part of their business is to lend to non-profit organizations.
I think they recognize the differences in a non-profit organization versus a profit-making organization, but at the same time, when they're making loans, they are largely making loans, again, with the expectation to have it repaid.
Banks do believe very much in corporate social responsibility and they have numerous activities: they give money to charities, they support foundations, they support the arts, they support financial literacy. In those instances, those are expenditures where they do not expect to make money, and they understand that is an expenditure. But when they are making loans, the expectation, at the very least, is that they get the money back.
I think as they develop that corporate culture, as they manage risk, they treat activities associated with corporate social responsibility differently from lending. The culture of prudential lending I think applies to all lending on the part of banks.