Thank you. It's the first time I've ever been a witness.
My name is Scott Simms, I'm a Leo, I enjoy long walks on the beach.
I've always wanted to do that. Sorry, I know this ain't
I do want to talk about the fact that all I have here is a name change, quite frankly. There's a new area that's been included in what will be moved from the south coast into the central part of the island come 2015, and what it is right now, the name is Bay d'Espoir. That's the formal name, but we Newfoundlanders pronounce it Bay Despair. It's Bay d'Espoir–Central–Notre Dame.
The area of Bay d'Espoir is on the south coast. Now Bay d'Espoir represents one town amongst about 12 to 15. Other towns include Harbour Breton, Seal Cove, Pool's Cove, Rencontre East, and several islands.
About 10 to 13 years ago, I'll say, we were set up into certain zones across the province and the zone was called the Coast of Bays. Years ago we always called the area Bay d'Espoir, but it actually excluded many communities. I spoke to mayors in St. Alban's, Milltown, Harbour Breton, and McCallum, and even in the town that bears the name of Bay d'Espoir, and they actually said that Coast of Bays is a far greater description of the entire region. So I'm asking that it be changed from Bay d'Espoir—Central—Notre Dame to Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame.
It's not because I believe that there's too much French in there already. Don't get me wrong. It says that Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame is a far greater description, but I do like Bay d'Espoir—Central—Notre Dame. It does have a ring to it.
So that's my crux.