Yes, very quickly, just so there's no confusion.
I'm sure all you gentlemen are aware of this as well. Even though Scott said that we would probably recommend accepting the changes you're recommending.... I agree with that. I don't think we have any difficulty on this side. Unfortunately, the procedure and House affairs committee report is not the be-all and end-all. It still will be the commission that determines if they want to take your recommendations to heart and make further changes, or if they want it to remain with the boundaries they have suggested in this report.
Just so there are no expectations, I guess, I want to make sure you're aware that this committee will determine exactly how we wish to write the report. We have the ability, as was determined at the last meeting, to make some editorial comment. In other words, if collectively we feel that your arguments make sense and we support your arguments, that's what the report will say when it's sent back to your boundaries commission. But that is no guarantee that you will get what you're asking for, because it's their authority and theirs alone.