There has not been a redistribution to this extent, sir. As StatsCan does its census, there are always changes made to riding boundaries in a given province. This time around, it's a little different because we're adding some 30 seats across Canada. So there's a different factor in Alberta, with larger cities there: Calgary with roughly one million, and Edmonton with roughly 600,000. So there are distinctly urban seats in that regard.
As Mr. Komarnicki was talking about the breakdown of Regina and the potential growth and so on...we see the hybrid model we have now working extremely well. As I said in my opening remarks, in 16 years I've never heard a complaint from anyone saying they're not being represented properly because they're urban or rural. We just don't hear that.
A good cross-section of knowledge on issues is certainly something that we accept here as we work through issues in the House of Commons and as we vote on issues.