Okay—although I think it should. But that's fine.
The other thing I want to get to is something that you've identified on the compliance side of your report. Basically, it deals with the issues that you've identified, the problems that you've identified, in polling stations across Canada in the last election. I think it even infers that some of these problems were far more widespread than that, and went back a few elections, where there were a lot of difficulties with procedural non-compliance at polls.
Even though your report suggests that you don't think it really impugned anybody's right to vote, didn't stop anybody from voting who should have been allowed to vote, clearly there were some problems that could affect the integrity of the vote.
I congratulate you on coming out with the report, identifying that you had some internal problems, but why did it take so long to identify those problems? Do you think the problems were mainly a function of the people who were manning the stations really being volunteers with poor training? Can you give us some sense of why the problems occurred, and more importantly, what you're going to do to try to fix them in the future?